How to Finish Your Module While Enjoying the Internet?

New normal. This two words remind every student of their unfinished modules and online classes. Are your activities too much already? Does it suffocate and pressure you?If it does, you must have poor time management.

Students love surfing the internet and playing online games to the point that they sometimes forget the activities waiting for their attention. As the deadline approaches, students panic and rush finishing it.

If you want to enjoy it as you finish your modules in time. This blog will help you do it. All you have to do is:

1. What to do list

List everything you need to do. Scan your modules and write down everything you must accomplish. Write the deadlines too.

2. Prioritize

Deadlines are important. You must know what to do first in order to avoid rushed activities. Activities with earlier deadlines should be finished first as the quote 'First come, first serve' says.

3. 8-8-8 rule

8 hours for sleeping, 8 hours for studying, and 8 hours for other activities. Follow this if you want to finish all the activities real fast. Don't be greedy with playing and watching all day. Be sure to have a proper sleep.

4. Inspect

Scan every activity. Observe it and weigh its difficulty. If it's hard, alot longer time in answering it before the deadline. And if it's easy, you can do your extra activities as long as you are sure that you can make it on time.

5. Rest

If you can't concentrate, you may rest for an hour. It is important that your mind is in condition. You can't think right if it is tired. The ideas may become dull and not creative.

6. Be strict

You can have your time enjoying surfing and playing, however, if it's study time, be sure to study hard. Make sure you won't be swayed by the sight of facebook or mobile legends on your phone.

It's important that you enjoy studying. Study smart so the lessons will remain in your mind even if it isn't a lot. Self study is hard, so students must work harder.

Have your way in answering the modules. It may be hard, but this new normal also allow students to study and learn at their own pace. Take it in a positive way.

It is expected that not all students can't understand the lessons well alone. Seek for the teacher's assistance or the internet for more references.

Note: Through studying, you can reach your dreams. You can enjoy doing other things, but be sure to not forget the reason why you are studying. It will serve as your motivation as you study.

"Take it all one day at a time, and enjoy the journey" - Kristi Bartlett

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